Procrastination is fuel for self-doubt

We all procrastinate from time to time, don’t we? If it’s just something we do occasionally, we don’t have to worry about it. But if we get into the bad habit of frequent procrastination, we will notice that our success or lack of success will directly be connected to it.

Unfortunately, it will not only affect our success but also our confidence. The more we procrastinate, the more self-doubt will come up. Procrastination is pure fuel for self-doubt. So if we want to move forward in business and life, we better stop procrastinating and start taking action.

Fortunately, procrastination is not part of our personalities; it’s not a character trait we are born with. It’s a bad habit that, in many cases, has underlying fears. It can be overcome by taking very small action steps, moving forward courageously, and respecting ourselves more.

Ask yourself what you have successfully done in the past to overcome procrastination. Do you need a deadline? Do you need an accountability partner? Or maybe a positive affirmation like this one can help you: “I respect myself enough to take action today on what is most important to me in business and life.”

Look at what works for you and start taking action. If we can change this habit of procrastination, it will help us be more successful and grow our confidence and well-being.