Don’t wait until you have the confidence

Don’t wait until you have confidence in yourself to do something out of your comfort zone. It’s moving forward in spite of your fear that will give you confidence.

Most people talk about confidence as something they have or don’t have. They think of it as a character trait. But that’s not true. Confidence is something that is built up. We gain confidence by doing, practicing, taking action, and moving forward. And yet, so many people—often subconsciously—wait to start moving in the direction of their goals until they have more confidence. But unfortunately, this will never happen. They will wait forever because waiting is not a confidence-building activity.

Waiting is not a confidence-building activity.

There’s no better way to increase our confidence than by taking action. So we really must stop believing that we should feel more confident before we take our next step towards reaching our goals. When we start to see the progress we are making by moving forward, we will start to trust ourselves and our potential. And that’s when our confidence rises.